Also in this year, there have been a lot of reports about the International Youth Meeting (IYM). This is in our favor, as the topics dealt with at the Youth Meeting and our own interests should be placed in the public. This year, the International Youth Meeting also gave people, who were interested and those, who decided spontaneous, a chance to participate in workshops and trainings. It was particularly nice, that the IYM team was able to cooperate with organizations such as the Dachauer Forum, the Druckwerkstatt in Dachau, Creative Change e.V., Amnesty International and others. So the team was able to offer a wide range of formats and content. In addition to Ernst Grube and Lesezek Zukowski, Eva Umlauf and Nina Schiffner, both representatives of the second generation, were welcomed in this year’s eyewitness café and the eyewitness talks. On the same weekend, two interesting guests, Katrin Himmler and Niklas Frank, could be won over the event “Descendants of the perpetrators – the impact of the Holocaust over generations”. This event was arranged by the associations Förderverein für Internationale Jugendbegegnung and Gedenkstättenarbeit e.V.. The event attracted media attention in advance, especially as it was widely criticized.
Here you find a selection of the press articles dealing with the 37th International Youth Meeting Dachau. Enjoy reading!
Gemeinsam gegen Rechts, Süddeutsche Zeitung
Was bei der Internationalen Jugendbegegnung alles geboten ist, Süddeutsche Zeitung
Internationale Jugendbegegnung in Dachau, Bayerischer Rundfunk
Veranstaltung sorgt für Irritationen, Süddeutsche Zeitung
Förderverein verteidigt Veranstaltung, Süddeutsche Zeitung